Anime Title : A - E. Anime Title : F - J. Anime Title : K - O. Anime Title : P - T.
Anime Title : U - Z. Naruto closely follows the life of a boy who is feared and detested by the villagers of the hidden leaf village of Konoha. The distrust of the boy has little to do with the boy himself, but its whats inside him that causes anxiety. Long before Naruto came to be, a Kyuubi (demon fox) with great fury and power waged war taking many lives. The battle ensued for a long time until a man known as the Fourth Hokage, Yondaime, the strongest ninja in Konoha, fiercely fought the Kyuubi.
The fight was soon won by Yondaime as he sealed the evil demon in a human body. Thus the boy, Naruto, was born. As Naruto grows he decides to become the strongest ninja in Konoha in an effort to show everyone that he is not as they perceive him to be, but is a human being worthy of love and admiration.
But the road to becoming Hokage, the title for the strongest ninja in Konoha, is a long and arduous one. It is a path filled with betrayal, pain, and loss; but with hard work, Naruto may achieve Hokage. It has been two and a half years since Naruto Uzumaki left Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village, for intense training following events which fueled his desire to be stronger.
Now Akatsuki, the mysterious organization of elite rogue ninja, is closing in on their grand plan which may threaten the safety of the entire shinobi world. Although Naruto is older and sinister events loom on the horizon, he has changed little in personalitystill rambunctious and childishthough he is now far more confident and possesses an even greater determination to protect his friends and home.
Come whatever may, Naruto will carry on with the fight for what is important to him, even at the expense of his own body, in the continuation of the saga about the boy who wishes to become Hokage. Naruto 1-220 Eps, Naruto Shippuden 221-720 Eps. English / Chinese / Malay. DVD9 / NTSC & All region code (16: 9). Action, Adventure, Comedy, Super Power, Martial Arts.The product is well packed using bubble padded envelope/boxes to protect product from damages. Tracking code will be provided to customers. Any product found to be faulty, We will issue new replacement discs. We provide after sales service.
Product is well packed using bubble padded envelope/boxes to protect from damages. We have built a reputation for having a wide selection of anime at competitive prices, and for providing excellent customer service.
We are always on the lookout for new and hard-to-find anime titles to add to their collection. OtakuDVD is passionate about anime and is committed to making it easy for others to access and enjoy the same shows they have grown to love.