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Complete Set fo Wildings 36 individual sets all UNMOUNTED MINT 12 scans

Complete Set fo Wildings 36 individual sets all UNMOUNTED MINT 12 scans
Complete Set fo Wildings 36 individual sets all UNMOUNTED MINT 12 scans
Complete Set fo Wildings 36 individual sets all UNMOUNTED MINT 12 scans
Complete Set fo Wildings 36 individual sets all UNMOUNTED MINT 12 scans
Complete Set fo Wildings 36 individual sets all UNMOUNTED MINT 12 scans
Complete Set fo Wildings 36 individual sets all UNMOUNTED MINT 12 scans
Complete Set fo Wildings 36 individual sets all UNMOUNTED MINT 12 scans
Complete Set fo Wildings 36 individual sets all UNMOUNTED MINT 12 scans
Complete Set fo Wildings 36 individual sets all UNMOUNTED MINT 12 scans
Complete Set fo Wildings 36 individual sets all UNMOUNTED MINT 12 scans

Complete Set fo Wildings 36 individual sets all UNMOUNTED MINT 12 scans

Compromising of 36 individual sets - this package includes. Tudor watermark - upright, inverted, sideways. Edward Watermark - upright, inverted, sideways. 1957 1st Graphites - upright. Multicrown on Cream Paper - upright, inverted, sideways left & sideways right.

Multi Crowns on white - upright, inverted, sideways left & sideways right. 1958 2nd Graphites - upright & inverted. 1959 Phosphor Graphites - upright. Green phosphor - upright & inverted.

Blue phosphor on cream - upright, inverted, sideways left & sideways right. Blue phosphor on white - upright, inverted, sideways left & sideways right. Violet 8mm - upright, inverted, sideways left & sideways right.

Violet 9.5mm - upright, inverted, sideways left & sideways right. A total of 277 stamps - rarely offered as one unit and difficult to put together. We always carry a full stock of specialist QEII Wildings. Please request our latest'just Wilding' price list. If its quality you're after....

We are members of the PTS and attend Stampex (Stand 43).

Complete Set fo Wildings 36 individual sets all UNMOUNTED MINT 12 scans